SmartPro – Key to Smart Products!
Strong Universities of Applied Sciences –
Impulses for the Region
Since the beginning of 2017, the SmartPro Cooperation Network has been funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Around ten million euros have been provided within the funding initiative “Strong Universities of Applied Sciences – Impulse for the Region“ − „FH-Impuls“ for short. The objectives of this initiative include sustainable expansion of the regional cooperation network, strengthening the university’s core research areas, and further developing the university’s research profile.
SmartPro is one of only ten “FH-Impuls” networks funded throughout Germany. After the successful initiation phase (2017-2020), a four-year intensification phase was approved, which started in 2021. The focus is now on sustainably expanding as well as continuing the strategic research and transfer activities. The goal is to firmly establish the SmartPro network for long-term sustainability.

“FH-Impuls” SmartPro Network
The SmartPro partnership at Aalen University aims to create the basis for smart products by linking smart materials and intelligent production technologies. Material and technology innovations developed within SmartPro offer solutions for social challenges such as climate protection, sustainability, and digital transformation. Aalen University and SmartPro thus provide important impulses for our future – for the region and beyond.

The nine other “FH-Impuls” networks
- CoHMed: Connected Health in Medical Mountains // Hochschule Furtwangen
- i_city – Partnerschaft zur Stadtforschung // Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart
- LaNDER3 – Lausitzer Naturfaser-Verbundwerkstoffe: Dezentrale Energie, Rohstoffe, Ressourcen, Recycling // Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz
- M2Aind – Multimodale Analytik und Intelligente Sensorik für die Gesundheitsindustrie // Hochschule Mannheim
- PlaSIg – Plasma for Life // Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen
- RuhrValley – Mobility and Energy for Metropolitan Change // Hochschule Bochum / Fachhochschule Dortmund / Westfälische Hochschule Gelsenkirchen
- SAFIR: Safety for all – Innovative Research Partnership on Global Vehicle and Road Safety Systems // Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
- smartFoodTechnologyOWL // Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe
- X-Energy – Innovationszentrum für Windenergie, Systemintegration und Speicher // Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg
More information about the “FH-Impuls” networks can be found in a report on the 2017-2020 initiation phase, which also includes selected research results. The report was published by an external research team which supported the development and networking of the networks during the initiation phase and evaluated the overall success of the new funding initiative.
50 years of Universities of Applied Sciences in Baden-Württemberg
The ceremony celebrating 50 years of universities of applied sciences (UAS) in Baden-Württemberg took place at Aalen University in 2021. In his speec, Minister-President Winifried Kretschmann praised the SmartPro network as an example of successful practice-based activities. He emphasized that the proximity to the many medium-sized businesses and hidden champions that southwest Germany is famous for makes the UASs indispensable research partners.
The complete recording of the anniversary celebrations is available on the Youtube channel of Aalen University.
SmartPro // FH-Impuls:
Strong Universities of Applied Sciences – Impulse for the region
With SmartPro, Aalen University of Applied Sciences has positioned itself in the top group of universities of applied sciences nationwide. SmartPro is one of ten networks funded through the "FH-Impuls" program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research with approximately 10 million euros from 2017 until 2025. Core objectives of the "FH-Impuls" program include the sustainable expansion of the regional transfer and cooperation network as well as strengthening the research profile and innovative power. SmartPro contributes to the advancement of climate protection and digitization, two key social challenges.